Intermate stepper machine AS/400 Manual

PDF Manuals
490 Pages English

Intermate stepper machine AS/400
38 User’s Manual for InterForm400
otherwise specified by Extended Formatting or the overlay definitions
Remap Window and Tabulator. By stating *INPUT the value is set
according to the attribute of the spool entry
F4: Gives a list of available fonts. The standard IBM 3812 font ID’s is
predefined (refer to page 382 or look at the font list in the back of this
manual). Other fonts can be defined to the system and will then be
available here (See section 1. Description of additional fonts page 279)
Overview Fonts FNT100D
Type Selection, Press Enter.
1=Select Font
Select one of the following:
_ 0281 Gothic Text 20
_ 0290 Gothic Text 27
_ 0751 Sonoran-Serif 8-pt Roman Medium
_ 1051 Sonoran-Serif 10-pt Roman Medium
_ 1053 Sonoran-Serif 10-pt Roman Bold
_ 1056 Sonoran-Serif 10-pt Italic Medium
_ 1351 Sonoran-Serif 12-pt Roman Medium
_ 1653 Sonoran-Serif 16-pt Roman Bold
_ 2103 Sonoran-Serif 24-pt Roman Bold
_ 3998 MICR E-13B
_ 3999 POSTNET barcode
_ 9902 Sample - Univers 8p
_ 9903 Sample - Univers 10p
_ 9904 Sample - Univers 1p Bold
_ 9906 Sample - Univers 18p Bold
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
page def: When stating Y in this field you can override the global settings of Line
Spacing, Extra blank lines on top and Font. Formatting is done for
intervals of lines and is especially convenient if large areas of text
should be re-mapped or if you want to format the spool data into
Drawer: Depends on the printer type. Valid values are:
*INPUT = The drawer specified in the spool entry
*PRINTER = Printer default paper source
1-255 = Printer specific paper source
Name = Paper type (prompt with F4 to list valid types)
The values 1-255 is inserted in the HP PCL command Esc&l#H (see
Cassette Selection page 376). For details about how to select drawer
by use of paper type refer to page 331 and 376.
Paper Size: Is only visible if you have allowed individual paper sizes for the overlays.
If you specify 0 in Paper Size the default value from the administration
menu option 2. Configure InterForm 400 will be used for this overlay
(more info page 269).
Pages per
(Multi-up): Blank or 1 indicates no multi-up functionality. When 2 or more are
indicated, the overlay definitions Tabulator and Remap Window will be
able to handle the total number of lines set for the Multi-up.
E.g. a spool page has 66 lines and multi-up is set to include 2 spool
pages on one laser printed page. A Tabulator will then be able to
handle line 1-132 (2 x 66), resulting in both spool pages will have the
same tabulator. The same applies for the Remap Window. The spool
pages included in the multi-up function could also be formatted in
Table of Contents
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