Intermate stepper machine AS/400 Manual

PDF Manuals
490 Pages English

Intermate stepper machine AS/400
User’s Manual for InterForm400
Appendix L - PDF and PCL Viewing
The PCL Viewer SwiftView included with InterForm400
will view PCL spool files with data
type *ASCII containing PCL4, PCL5 and PCL5e data. This is a true WYSIWYG feature,
which is unique for verifying results of forms design, and to view the contents of spool files
in the AS/400 output queues, that has been merged with InterForm400
For easy design of your overlays you can also install a graphical designer on your PC.
Refer to page 461 for more details.
In order to get PDF output you need to purchase the PDF module for InterForm400.
PDF viewing:
If you have Acrobat Reader (or another PDF file viewer) installed on your PC you can also
choose to use this program to view the PDF result of a merge. This requires:
1. That this program (e.g. Acrobat Reader) is associated with the extension .PDF on the
PC. (Try to double click on a PDF file on your PC. It should open up the PDF file viewer
and display the file).
2. That the PC can ‘reach’ the qdls/apf3812/view folder on the AS/400 - follow the steps
as indicated for PCL viewing.
3. That the Netserver is running and the name is registered as described for PCL viewing
4. IMPORTANT: The PDF viewing option is limited for users, that has a user profile with
max. 8 characters.
Refer to page 42 for how to activate the PDF view.
PCL viewing:
SwitftView exploits the Client Access connection to a Windows PC, and is currently
integrated with the menus 1. Design Overlay, and 10. Work with actual output queue.
The command for 10. Work with actual output queue is:
SwiftView licenses:
When InterForm400
is running in test mode you can setup an unlimited number of
users to use SwiftView. 1 SwiftView license is included with InterForm400
free of
charge. Additional licenses can be ordered from your local InterForm400
dealer. The
minimum licenses to order is 5. You will receive the license in form of a code, which
matches the serial number of your AS/400. Refer to page 356 for more information on
ordering and entering license code.
Requirements for running SwiftView:
1. You must connect to the AS/400 via TCP/IP from a Windows 95/98/NT with Client
Access or other 5250 emulator supporting both STRPCO and the STRPCCMD
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