Intermate stepper machine AS/400 Manual

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490 Pages English

Intermate stepper machine AS/400
User’s Manual for InterForm400® 99
Copy Primary Secondary
1 ________1 ________1 Valid drawers
2 ________4 1-255
valid paper types:
Do you want stapling . . Y/N N
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
F13=Set view/print parameters F14=PCL-view F18=DSPSPLF F19=DSPPFM
We define that the originals (copy one) should be taken from drawer 1, and copies from
drawer 2 (Note that we are inserting the PCL value “4" as the second drawer. Refer to
page 376 for more information on how to select drawers). We can later in the design
window specify for each forms element (boxes, lines, images etc.) if it should be used for
the original, the copy or both. (see Copy Management page 53)
We will not use the secondary set in this exercise so we just fill in 1 in the remaining field.
We will not use stapling in this exercise, so we fill in N in this field.
When we press Enter we re-enter the design window.
Step 15. Defining the COPY Symbol as Watermark
The intention of the copy sign is to place this information as a watermark in the address
field. We can therefore place the definition between the two Ink changes we made for the
logo watermark, and thereby exploit the same raster pattern definition.
We create a new sequence line 3,1 between the two Ink changes :
Design InterForm 400 overlay APF300D
Overlay name: MYDEMO Overlay text: Mydemo
Seqnbr. Type Overlay definition
0001 I Image DEMOIMAGE Top 01,100 Left 04,180
0002 7 Ink Foreground = Background = UNALTERED
0003 I Image DEMOIMAGE Top 09,100 Left 02,040
0004 7 Ink Foreground = BLACK Background = UNALTERED
0005 8 Tabulator lin.003-003 pos 72-072 left12,000L font 0011
0006 9 Remap window 06-011 pos 08-040 top 1,160 left 1,000 L
0007 1 Frame top 01,100 left 00,200 right 04,120 bottom 02,160
0008 9 Remap window 13-013 pos 57-072 top 1,220 left 5,200 C +
Seqnbr. Type Copy management
3,1 _ 1 = Frame 2 = Horizontal From To
3 = Vertical 4 = Line Primary 2 2
5 = Text 6 = Page number Secondary _ _
7 = Ink 8 = Tabulator
9 = Remap window I = Image
? = If .. then F = PCL-file
G = HP-GL/2 file S = Sub-overlay
* = Comment
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
F13=Set view/print parameters F14=PCL-view F18=DSPSPLF F19=DSPPFM
Before we enter a type we remember that this forms element should only be activated on
the copy which means we will have to fill in Copy Management. By entering values for
Primary set and not for Secondary set, we define that our copy management definitions
apply to the Primary set only (see Copy management page 53)
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