McDATA switch 4500 Manual

PDF Manuals
216 Pages English

McDATA switch 4500
McDATA® Sphereon 4500 Fabric Switch Product Manager User Manual
Offline - when the switch is set offline, all ports are set offline.
The switch transmits the offline sequence (OLS) to attached
devices, and the devices cannot log in to the switch.
operating state (port) Can be beaconing, invalid attachment, link incidents, link resets,
LIPS, no light, not operational, online, offline, segmented E_Port, port
failure, or testing.
operating status
Can be online, offline, coming online, or going offline.
optical cable Fiber, multiple fibers, or a fiber bundle in a structure built to meet
optical, mechanical, and environmental specifications. See also jumper
cable, optical cable assembly, and trunk cable.
optical cable
Optical cable that is connector-terminated. See also jumper cable and
optical cable.
optical fiber
Hardware component that transfers optical power between two
optical fibers or bundles and is designed to be repeatedly connected
and disconnected.
Transmission of management information using frequencies or
channels other than those routinely used for information transfer.
packet Logical unit of information (usually in the form of a data frame)
transmitted on a network. It contains a header (with all relevant
addressing and timing information), the actual data, and a trailer
(which contains the error checking function, usually in the form of a
cyclic redundancy check), and frequently, user data.
panel The main Product Manager window is divided into four main panels:
title panel, menu bar, status bar, and view panel. Use features in these
panels to configure switch operation, monitor performance, and
access maintenance features.
password Unique string of characters known to the computer system and to a
user who must specify it to gain full or limited access to a system and
to the information stored within it.
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