Cisco Systems network hardware 3.6 Manual

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68 Pages English

Cisco Systems network hardware 3.6
Cisco Active Network Abstraction Fault Management User Guide, Version 3.6 Service Pack 1
Chapter 2 Fault Detection and Isolation
Sources of Alarms On a Device
Sources of Alarms On a Device
The following basic sources of alarms exist in the system which indicate a problem in the network:
Service Alarms—Alarms generated by the VNE as a result of polling (for example SNMP, Telnet).
Usually such alarms (for example link down, card out, device unreachable and so on) are configured
in such a way that they can become root cause alarms, according to the correlation algorithms.
Service alarms can also be generated by the gateway, for example. the vpn leak alarm.
SNMP Traps—Traps sent by the network elements and captured by the Cisco ANA platform. The
platform supports SNMP v1, v2 and v3 traps. The traps are then forwarded to the specific VNEs for
further processing and correlation logic. In addition, reliable traps (inform commands) are
supported, when configured in the registry, where the VNE acknowledges that a trap was received.
Syslogs—Syslog messages sent by the network elements and captured by the Cisco ANA platform.
The Syslogs are then forwarded to the specific VNEs for further processing and correlation logic.
TCA—Cisco ANA can be used to set a TCA for soft properties. The TCA can be enabled to assign
a condition to the property which will trigger an alarm when violated. The alarm conditions could
Equal or not equal to a target value.
Exceeding a defined value range (defined by maximum and minimum thresholds, including
hysteresis), for example CPU level of a device.
Exceeding a defined rate (calculated across time), for example bandwidth or utilization rate of
a link.
System Alarms—Alarms generated by the gateway and/or the units, for example, disk full, database
full, unit unreachable and so on. For more information see Integrity Service.
For information about TCAs see the Cisco Active Network Abstraction Customization User Guide.
Alarm Integrity
When the VNE shuts down while it still has open alarms associated with it, “fixing” events which occur
during the down period will be consolidated when the VNE is reloaded.
Integrity Service
The integrity service is an internal service that runs on the gateway and/or the units, which is responsible
for the stability of the system by running integrity tests in order to maintain the database and eliminate
clutter in the system. In order to prevent the session from stopping, the integrity service tests are run on
a different thread in a separate directory called integrity.
The service integrity tests are run:
Manually—The integrity service tests are accessed as part of the Cisco ANA Shell management
services, and they can be accessed by telneting the gateway.
To run a test, the user should cd to the integrity dir, and then enter
executeTest followed by the test
name. The user can pass parameters to the tests using Cisco ANA Shell.
Automatically—The integrity service tests are scheduled as crontab commands, to run specific tests
at specific intervals. By default the integrity service tests run automatically every 12 hours.
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