Clifford automobile alarm Polaris 4 Manual

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9 Pages English

Clifford automobile alarm Polaris 4
Add ing new re mote con trols
For other drivers, or to control Clifford G4 systems on your other cars with the same remote, you can buy additional remote controls from any Clifford
Dealer (or direct from the Customer Service Department of your nearest Clifford Headquarters listed on the front cover) and program them into the
system yourself. Polaris 4 will respond to as many as four remote controls.
NOTE: Clifford G4 systems will re spond only to G4-type ACG 2 re mote con trols. Older Clif ford AC G and non- ACG
re mote con trols are not com pati ble with G4 systems.
To add a new remote control to the system, use the Add new remote feature (column 1, row 1) of the User-selectable features section.
User- Selectable AutoArming
If this feature is enabled and you forget to remotely arm, the system automatically arms itself 30 seconds after the vehicle doors are closed. For your
convenience, if you re-open any door(s) within the 30-second countdown, AutoArming restarts the 30- second delay from the beginning after all doors are
closed. Polaris 4 has these additional features:
n AutoArming entry delay: If you temporarily lose the use of your remote controls, you may turn on the AutoArming entry delay feature. If this
feature and AutoArming are turned on, it allows you to enter the car (if it previously AutoArmed) and silently disarm the system by turning on the
ignition within 15 seconds of opening the door. See User-selectable features (column 3, row 3).
n Visual acknowledgment: Five seconds after you exit, close all the doors and the interior light has turned off, the indicat or lights flash twice to
confirm the AutoArming countdown is progressing. Then, 25 seconds later, the system will AutoArm.
n Lock upon AutoArming: To ensure you can’t accidentally lock your keys inside the car, the system is factory-set not to lock the doors upon
AutoArming. To change this setting, see User-selectable features.
n Instant AutoArming bypass: Prevents AutoArming when fueling the vehicle and at other times when you wish to temporarily bypass
AutoArming. To activate Instant AutoArming Bypass, rapidly turn the ignition switch to “ON” then “O FF.” You will hear a siren chirp to confirm
that the system will not AutoArm. The system automatically reverts to its normal operating mode wh en you next start the engine.
False Alarm Pre ven tion & FACT
With FACT (False Alarm Control and Test), you’ll never experience repeated false alarms. If the siren sounds, DO NOT disarm; allow it to run for the
full siren duration. Before sounding the siren a second time, the system automatically checks for a nother activated sensor or trigger to verify that an
intrusion is in progress. This feature is user-selectable.
Starter AutoIm mo bi li za tion
While armed, your system immobilizes the starter to prevent a thief from starting the engine. The e ngine will remain immobilized even if a thief were to
cut power to the system or find and remove the system control unit.
Op tional Wire less Im mo bi lizer™
Clifford’s optional Wireless Immobilizer interrupts a second point in the vehicle, such as the igni tion or fuel pump. This Clifford innovation provides
immobilization without any wires to the control unit, so a thief could not find the Wireless Immobi lizer even if he tried tracing the system wires!
Operation of the Wireless Immobilizer is automatic and user-transparent.
BE sure to keep the rec ord your Clif ford in staller pro vides as to the lo ca tion of the Wire le ss Im mo bi lizer in case your
ve hi cle needs fu ture serv ic ing.
NOTE: If your vehicle’s engine ever stalls, the Wireless Immobilizer WILL engage. You must turn the ignition all the
way to “OFF” in order to restart.
How to in ter pret the LED status in di ca tor
The LED on your car’s dashboard or console will inform you of the system status:
LED Con di tion Mean ing
System is disarmed and in normal operating mode (i.e., valet mode is off)
Valet mode is on, the vehicle may be entered without having to disarm
Flashing rapidly (ignition off)
System is armed and protecting your vehicle
Flashes, pause, flashes
Either an error (such as arming with the trunk open) or indicates the trigger or sensor that was tr ipped
Auto mat ic Battery- Saving Mode
To conserve vehicle battery power (the LED actually draws more current than the entire control unit ), if the system has remained continuously armed for
48 hours, the flash rate will automatically slow to half the normal rate. After 96 hours, it slows to one-quarter.
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