Clifford automobile alarm Polaris 4 Manual

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9 Pages English

Clifford automobile alarm Polaris 4
User- Selectable AutoLock and Aut oUn Lock
Some vehicles are incompatible with the AutoLock and AutoUnLock features.
For your safety and that of your passengers, the doors automatically lock the instant you turn on t he ignition. When you turn the ignition off,
AutoUnLock automatically unlocks the doors. These are user-selectable features.
Plain View 2 Coded Valet Mode
All car alarms have a valet mode that turn off the security features. This mode is often used to tu rn off the alarm if the system is not responding to the
remote. However, thieves can disable other alarm brands by simply hotwiring the ignition and flicki ng the alarm’s easy-to-find “hidden” valet switch.
In contrast, your Polaris 4 system has safeguards that ensure a thief cannot enable the valet mode as a way of “turning off” your system. To enable valet
mode, the driver must first enter the secret valet code on the PlainView 2 switch mounted on your v ehicle’s dash or console. When the system is in valet
mode, it overrides AutoArming and all other security features. At various times, you will need to s witch the system off. For instance, when refueling or
washing your car.
The system’s factory- set valet code is 2: ✱✱ blank.
NOTE: If you tem po rar ily lose the use of your re mote con trols, you can dis arm the sys tem by ena bling valet mode.
Entering a code
To enter your code, press the button the appropriate number of times on the PlainView 2 switch followed by the blank button. To enter a zero, you
simply press the blank button.
EX AM PLE: To en ter a code of 1203, you would press: blank, ✱✱ blank, blank, ✱✱ blank.
To en able valet mode
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine if it is not already running.
2. Enter your valet code on the PlainView 2 switch.
3. Continue pressing the blank button for 4 seconds. Release the button. The LED will continue to remain on fo r ongoing visual confirmation of valet
To exit valet mode and re store nor mal operation
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine if it is not already running.
2. Enter your valet code on the PlainView 2 switch. The LED will turn off.
How to set your own se cret valet code
You may choose any 1-4-digit code, but the first digit must not be a zero (e.g., 1023 is a valid co de, 0123 is not). See User-selectable features.
Ex am ple
Let’s say you want to set a valet code of 4301:
1. From the Table of user-selectable features, you would note that the Set a new secret valet code feature is in column 2, row 7.
2. Enter program mode by turning on the ignition, entering your current code, then pressing and holding the button of the PlainView 2 switch for 3
seconds until you hear a chirp.
3. Select column 2 by pressing the blank button twice. After a brief pause, you will hear 2 chirps to confirm that you have selected feature column 2.
4. Within 5 seconds, select row 7 by pressing and releasing the button 7 times. To help you count, you will hear a chirp each time you press the
button. After 7 presses, immediately press the blank button, then immediately enter your new code.
Example: To enter 4301 as your new code, you would press the switch buttons in this manner: ✱✱✱ blank, ✱✱
blank, blank, blank.
5.Wait for the 2-chirp confirmation.
6. Turn off the ignition to exit program mode (you’ll hear a 3-chirp confirmation).
7. VERY IMPORTANT: You must immediately test your new secret valet code: Turn on the ignition, enter your new code, then press and hold the
blank button for 4 seconds. The LED will illuminate to indicate that the system is in valet mode. Turn the ignition off. The sy stem is now in valet mode.
If the LED does not illuminate, the new code you programmed and the one you just entered do not match. In such a
case, the system will revert to the previous code.
8.To exit valet mode and return to normal operation, turn the ignition on and enter your code.
Re mote Con trolled Valet Mode
Valet mode turns off all security features and prevents AutoArming when, for instance, having your car washed. To turn valet mode on/off, simultaneously
press the and buttons. Two parking light flashes confirm valet mode on, one flash confirms valet mode off. The d ashboard LED will glow
continuously when valet mode is on. Your system remains in valet mode until you again press the and buttons to turn it off and restore normal
operation. This is a user-selectable feature and may be programmed off if you wish to use this butt on combination for a different function.
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