Marshall Amplification stereo amplifier TSL601 Manual

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7 Pages English

Marshall Amplification stereo amplifier TSL601
These great sounding loudspeakers have been
especially developed to work with your amp to
produce the great tone that you expect from a
Marshall amp. The 1x12” format makes for a very
highly portable package that works great in most
circumstances, whereas the 2x12” format gives
even more coverage, but by neccesity, is obviously
larger and heavier. However, if you require a
bigger sound, or just a different one, there are
numerous cabinets manufactured by Marshall that
will interface with your TSL combo, with ultimate
The TSL60 series are fitted with two parallel wired
loudspeaker jack sockets and a selector to switch
between 16 ohms or 8 ohms. As the TSL601 and
602 combos have the internal speakers wired for
16ohms, the selector should be set for 16ohms as
standard. If an extension speaker system is used
in conjunction with the internal speakers then this
should be of 16ohms impedance and the selector
set for 8ohms. Obviously, if the internal
loudspeakers are disconnected, then the selector
should be set to match the connected speaker
system. With the TSL60 head, obviously any 8 or
16ohm loudspeaker system can be used, providing
it is properly matched to the amplifier output. For
optimum use we recommend one of the Marshall
range of cabinets, in particular the 1960 range of
4x12” cabinets. These being available with
differing speaker options for varying tonality, see
your dealer for advice.
1 x 16 ohm speaker = 16 ohm output
2 x 16 ohm speaker = 8 ohm output
1 x 8 ohm speaker = 8 ohm output
WARNING! Never operate your TSL valve amp
without a loudspeaker, or suitable loudspeaker
type load, connected to the output, even when
using the output Master Volume set to zero for
silent recording. Otherwise expensive damage
may occur!
Your TSL combo amp is fitted with a parallel FX
Loop, this is placed after the gain and distortion
parts of the preamp and is the ideal place for
inserting time varying effects, such as delay,
digital reverb, chorus, pitch shifting, etc. By being
a parallel loop, this means that the direct signal is
kept within the TSL’s circuit and therefore your
tone is not degraded by sending it outside the amp.
To use the loop connect your effects processor
(rack type units are better at this job) as described
earlier, turn the effects units direct signal path off
(the FX units manual will tell you how to do this),
set up the unit to give you the effect you require
and then balance your direct sound and effected
sound using the FX MIX control on the front of
your amp. Easy!
Floor type effects stomp boxes are designed to
work in between a guitar and the input of an amp
and should not be used in a parallel loop,
otherwise some very weird and undesired effects
could occur. For their best use, use them where
they are designed to go.
De Jim Marshall
Me gustaría agradecerte personalmente el haber
elegido uno de nuestros amplis JCM2000 Triple Super
Lead a válvulas.
Desde que comencé Marshall Amplification en 1962 he
sido testigo de muchos avances e innovaciones increíbles
en la tecnología y en el diseño de los amplificadores,
tales como la inclusión de controles de volumen Master
de salida, canales conmutables, reverb, tecnología MIDI,
simulación de altavoces y procesadores digitales de
efectos, por nombrar unos pocos. Hoy en día éstas
pueden parecer prestaciones muy cotidianas, pero desde
luego no lo fueron en su momento y su aparición supuso
un gran paso adelante. A pesar de ello, los valores
primordiales de los primeros Marshall permanecen en la
actualidad. Estos valores son sólida construcción,
fiabilidad, impresionante aspecto y, por encima de todo,
el tremendo sonido Marshall.
Los TSL60, 601 y 602 son nuestra última generación
de amplis de válvulas y, como tales, son descendientes
directos de nuestros clásicos. Combinan todos los
valores antes mencionados con algunos atributos extra
como versatilidad, canales conmutables, reverb, un gran
sonido y, por supuesto -lo cual me enorgullece-, toda la
magia del Factor Sonoro Marshall que le quieras pedir.
La gama JCM2000 es el nuevo legado de los Grandes
Equipos de Guitarra Marshall.
Quiero desearte éxito en todos tus proyectos musicales
y felicitarte por tu nuevo Marshall JCM2000 Triple Super
Lead, que estoy seguro que te acompañará muchos años.
Un cordial saludo,
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