Toshiba cell phone STRATA DK16 Manual

PDF Manuals
584 Pages English

Toshiba cell phone STRATA DK16
SECTION 100-816-302
MARCH 1993
CENTREX or PBX systems which may vary
the ring pattern to distinguish between inter-
com and incoming calls, etc. If Standard
Ringing is chosen, CO line station ringing
will be a 1 second on, 3 seconds off cycle
regardless of the incoming ring pattern. Some
Central Offices have ringing characteristics
which makes this option undesirable.
Incoming Call Abandon Timing, LED 05-
The amount of time between incoming CO
line ring signals determines when the sys-
tem will discontinue (abandon) sending
ringing tones to stations. The choice of six or
eight seconds is dependent on the CO ring
pattern. This assignment has no effect if
the CO Repeat Ringing (LED 06) option is
Dual-tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) Sig-
nal Time, LED 04-DTMF signals sent out
to CO lines can be either 80 or 160 millisec-
onds in length. DTMF to QSTU/KSTU/PSTU/
PESU ports (including Voice Mail ports) are
not affected by this assignment. See Pro-
gram 1 O-2 for QSTU/KSTU/PSTU/PESU
DTMF timing. This program also sets the
minimum duration of DTMF tones sent by
pressing a digit on the dialpad of a 2000-
series Digital Telephone-It does not, how-
ever, affect the maximum duration; DTMF
tones sent by2000series Digital Telephones
last as long as a dialpad button is pressed.
Dial Pulse (DP) Make Ratio, LED 03-Dial
Pulse timing sent out to CO lines can be
changed from the normal 40% make ratio to
33%. This selection only applies to those
CO lines assigned in Program 15 to signal
dialing with DP instead of Dual-tone Multi-
frequency (DTMF).
CO Line Reseize Guard Time, LED 02-
This LED should be set for 0.45 seconds for
most installations. Set guard time for 1.5
seconds (using Program 1 O-l, LED 02 ON,
and Program 42-O) if CO lines experience
the following situations: no dial tone when a
line is released and reseized immediately;
or, when operating behind CENTREX or
PBX, false hookflash signals are sent to the
Central Office when stations release and
reseize the same CO line immediately.
Tone FirsWoice First Signaling-Digital
and Electronic Telephone, LED 01-This
LED sets the signaling method for station
intercom calls to digital and electronic tele-
phones. With Voice First, an intercom call to
an electronic or digital telephone will be
preceded by a one second tone burst, fol-
lowed by voice communication via the
Handsfree Answerback function. For Tone
First, repetitive intercom ring tone is sent in
a one-second on, three-seconds off pattern.
Conversion from one form to the other can
be made by dialing an additional digit of 1
from the calling station.
Program lo-2-System Assignments 2: The
following options are available on a system-
wide basis.
Stations Use External Amplified Confer-
ence, LED 19-This feature should only be
used (LED 19 ON) if an external amplifier(s)
(Program 10-3) is used for two CO line-
station conference calls. This will provide
additional amplification to the station during
the conference call. If an external amplifier is
not switched into two CO line conference
calls in all cases, LED 19 must be OFF if
there is line unbalance which may cause
hum noise on the station talk path during two
CO line conference calls. For DK8 and DK16,
it is recommended to test two CO line con-
ference with LED 19 ON; if there is no hum
noise, keep LED 19 ON.
Two CO Line Conference, LED 18-LED
18 should be ON whenever two CO line
(Tandem, DISA) connection is allowed in
Program 15-5 and Program 1 O-l, LEDs 19
and 20. This will increase the volume level
between the two outside parties on a Tan-
dem (two CO line) connection; but, it will not
affect the station volume of any station
conferenced into the Tandem connection.
This option is not associated with external
amplified conference (Program 1 O-3).
“TRNS” Soft Key Immediate Transfer,
LED 17-If this feature is activated and a
transfer is initiated with the “TRNS” Soft Key
on a digital telephone, the call will Ring
Transfer (Camp-on) immediately after the
last digit of the called (busy or idle) station
number is dialed. This feature does not
apply to transfers initiated with the Cnf/Trn
button or the “CONF” Soft Key.
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